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Saturday, January 9, 2021

[pdf] An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

[pdf] An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

This textbook will introduce you to the ever-emerging fi eld of mechanical engineering and help you appreciate how engineers design the hardware that builds and improves societies all around the world. As the title implies, this textbook is neither an encyclopedia nor a comprehensive treatment of the discipline. Such a task is impossible for a single textbook, and, regardless, our perspective is that the traditional four-year engineering curriculum is just one of many steps taken during a lifelong education. By reading this textbook, you will discover the “forest” of mechanical engineering by examining a few of its “trees,” and along the way you will be exposed to some interesting and practical elements of the profession called mechanical engineering.

This textbook is intended for students who are in the fi rst or second years of a typical college or university program in mechanical engineering or a closely related fi eld. Throughout the following chapters, we have attempted to balance the treatments of technical problem-solving skills, design, engineering analysis, and modern technology. The presentation begins with a narrative description of mechanical engineers, what they do, and the impact they can have (Chapter 1). Seven “elements” of mechanical enginel engineering aft: 1em; margin-right: 1em;" target="_blank">[pdf] An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 



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